Amy Hest
Children's Book Author, Walker & Dog Lover

Getting to Know Amy Hest

I am a big fan of coffee
ice cream. Mmm!

Yep, that's me on
roller skates.

Yep, that's me on
a pogo stick.
Here is our dog, Billy!
"I'm a writer, but I also love to walk (with a dog is best) and eat ice cream."
Do you like lists? I do! So here are a few lists for you to take a look at. See what you think!
List #1. Things I like (this is my favorite list).
Rainy days
Snowy days
Big boots
Grandmas and Grampas
List #2. Things I like to do (this is also my favorite list, sorry!)
Walk my dog (in actual fact, Billy is my daughter’s dog, but I often call him my dog, due to spending so much time walking him while my daughter is off teaching first graders).
Walk my dog in the rain
Walk in the rain without my dog
Walk my dog in the snow
Walk in the snow without my dog
Ride a bike
Eat ice cream
List # 3. Things I DON'T Like:
Lima beans
Long car rides
Reptiles of any kind
List # 4. Things I Do A Lot Of, But Wish I Were BETTER At:
Writing (It's true; every day -- every single day -- I try to be a better writer than I was the day before!)
(P.S. Amy Hest is a three-time winner of the Christopher Medal and winner of the BOSTON GLOBE-HORN BOOK Award. Wow! That's big!)